Beating the Statistics Podcast
Beating the Statistics Health and Fitness Consultancy Podcast, helping people design healthy lifestyles and systems that make fitness a priority and a pleasure instead of something to dread or endure through.
24 episodes
November 29 2023 BTS Health and Fitness Group Coaching Call
This group coaching call continues to go over a variety of topics around the darkening winter and how to deal with the challenges winter brings. My ever faithful Diane Morley joins me again on this call to discuss challenges to how to layer up ...
Season 2
Episode 7

The Ordinary to Ultra! Podcast with Brendon Boren
I was fortunate enough to be a guest on the new Ordinary to Ultra! podcast last year with host Brendon Boren. Brendon is striving to build a community of people that foster the belief that 'ordinary' folk can do truly extraordinary and 'ultra' ...
Season 2
Episode 7

November 22 2023 BTS Health and Fitness Group Coaching Call
This group coaching call goes over a variety of topics around the darkening winter and how to deal with the challenges winter brings. No athletes were able to join me, but I still got on the horn and covered the topics rattling in my head, so h...
Season 2
Episode 6

Looking Back at 2023 and Forward to the New Year
In this episode of the podcast I invite my wonderful children and wife to join me as we look back on what we've accomplished and done with our 2023 year as it pertains to our health, fitness and wellness and the gifts we've felt we've been on t...
Season 2
Episode 5

Highway Miles with Miles - Setting SMART Goals
Join Miles on a mini-road trip and learn how to set goals using the SMART methodology.Pardon the poorer than usual audio quality as this is recorded on the fly while driving to northern Utah for a family event! New episode of its kind, ...
Season 2
Episode 4

November 15 2023 BTS Health and Fitness Group Coaching Call
This is the audio recording of the November 15th, 2023 BTS Health and Fitness Group Coaching Program Zoom call that we had. Josh and Avery Foster joined me as we discussed all SORTS of things, so give it a listen and hopefully you take away som...
Season 2
Episode 3

November 8 2023 BTS Health and Fitness Group Coaching Call
This episode is a recording of the first group coaching call that I did with Diane Morley, one of the athletes I have been coaching this year. We discuss a lot of topics that are valuable as we enter into the holiday and winter season. Hopefull...
Season 2
Episode 2

Miles Victors with Luis Escobar and the Road Dog Podcast
Its been a long time! Apologies for the long absence, but life has been a little busy and chaotic for the Victors family! This first episode back is actually a bit of a cheat as I post a DIFFERENT podcast's episode for your listeni...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 16 - Footwear Choices and the Foundation We Walk On
Getting footwear right was a struggle for me early on, but I have some tidbits and wisdom to share that I've anecdotally learned over the years. If you're struggling with how your feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, etc feel after spending time on...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 15 - Making it Fun - Getting Started Podcast Series
Struggling to figure out how to set motivating goals for your fitness pursuits? Or maybe you have goals, but struggle to know how to get from where you are at now to where you hope to go? Lets break that process down. In this episo...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 14 - Our Bodies Are Capable of Incredible Things - Random Gratitude and Motivation
I was just hit with a load of gratitude and thoughts about my journey and needed to share. This is just a random podcast where I reflect on what my body has been through and how each one of us is capable of so much more than we think we can do....
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13 - The Truth About Calories - Part 2 - Getting Started Podcast Series
This is a continuation of the first conversation we had regarding calories and how the foods we eat make an impact. In this episode I attempt to put together the pieces of the first part to make sense in how we should eat and experiment with ou...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 12 - The Truth about Calories - Part 1 - Getting Started Podcast Series
Food can be a confusing and anxiety producing topic for a lot of people. Lets start from the beginning by breaking down what makes up our food, how our body uses each part of the nutrients that make up what we eat, and start understanding a bit...
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11 - Cardiovascular Exercise Choices - Getting Started Podcast Series
Are you having trouble knowing where to start in getting some movement in throughout your day? Do you not know the merits of different exercises or what exercise or movement might be right for you to get started with? In this episode I unpack w...
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 10 - Overcoming Embarrassment - Getting Started Podcast Series
This is the first episode in the Getting Started Podcast Series. Do you struggle with feeling embarrassed about where you are at health and fitness wise? Do you struggle with how you feel towards yourself, or how you feel you may b...
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 9 - Discipline Dollars
Are you struggling with staying on track with your health and fitness routine or goals? Do you want to make better and healthier decisions throughout your day but just can't seem to make it stick? You probably think you lack discipline and just...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8 - Run SLC 15k Race Recap
Just wrapped up another race, finishing off the Run SLC Road Racing Series with a 15k. Weather was great, runners were great, roads were great, nothing to complain about. Have a listen and learn a little about my unique approach to...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7 - Tracking tools, skin in the game, and Misogis
Lets talk tools for measuring ourselves and our benchmarks, putting skin in the game, and challenging ourselves through the principle of 'misogi' and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone!
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6 - Miles and Monica AMA Part 1
A co-host joins me to day, the lovely Monica Victors! This is a conversational episode where we walk through my fitness journey together and answer a lot of questions that have been asked around my fitness and health journey.
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5 - Clothing
When beginning your fitness journey, choosing clothing you're comfortable working out in can be a struggle. A lot of us start this journey with insecurities about our bodies and how we look and present ourselves, to the point where it can even ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4 - Icebreaker Triathlon Race Recap
Sometimes we sign up for things that give us a little anxiety. That is ok! When those events roll around, celebrate getting out there and getting it done anyway! That is something I had to do this morning at the Icebreaker Triathlon race in Ame...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3 - On racing, gratitude, and setting scary goals
Intimidated to sign up for that local 5k? Not sure if you've got what it takes for this summer's community half marathon? There is value in tackling scary challenges, and setting reasonable but also scary goals. Committing to things beyond your...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 2 - Nutrition around workouts
Ever struggle to maintain a high level of energy during your workouts? Ever get half way through a cardio session and just feel drained? You are probably feeling this way because of a lack of necessary nutrients to fuel your athletic ventures.<...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 1 - Introductions
Join me as I introduce myself and my high-level story of my health and fitness journey over the years. This episode is about my past struggles with health and fitness as well as what helped get me to where I am today. While not a deep dive into...
Season 1
Episode 1